Benefit of Concrete Finishing Trowels Vs Hand Float, NZ
Working with concrete is challenging and requires professionals to work quickly, efficiently and apply significant skill to get the desired results. In this blog, Tradesmart discusses hand floats and trowels, the differences between them and why trowelling is critical for high-quality concrete finishing. What is a Hand Float? Hand floats are concrete tools that allow professionals to finish a concrete surface. The tool helps make the concrete surface smooth and is commonly used after the initial levelling of the concrete. A hand float is an effective way to level out imperfections and make the concrete more compact. Hand floats...
Different Types of Concrete Tools and Their Uses
At Tradesmart, we take pride in providing New Zealand’s contractors with a wide range of construction tools for small and large scale projects. In this blog, we write about the most popular concrete tools on the market. Concrete Mixer A concrete mixer is a machine that allows contractors to prepare concrete mixtures. Mixers rotate slowly to mix the various components of concrete and prevent the mixture from setting too quickly. Some concrete mixers can also dispense the concrete on site. Mixers come in a variety of shapes and sizes for small and large scale applications. Concrete Tools Bull...
Process of Concrete Grinding for Finishing in New Zealand
Concrete grinding is a specialised construction process that involves levelling and improving the surface of concrete. Concrete blades for grinder applications are made from extremely strong materials that easily cut and grind concrete surfaces down to the desired result. The process improves the texture of concrete, removes blemishes and uneven surfaces and is the first step towards obtaining a beautiful finish on a concrete surface. Contact Tradesmart today for quality floor grinder options. Dry Grinding Concrete In this process, an abrasive diamond disk blade rotating at high speed is passed over a concrete surface. Over time, the floor...
Concrete Cutting Equipment Safety Advice in New Zealand
Whether it’s a small scale civil project or a large construction site, each location typically uses a number of high powered tools that cut, saw, roll and grind materials such as concrete, soil, brick and asphalt. While all equipment is operated by experienced professionals, there is no doubt that machines such as concrete cutting tools can be dangerous if certain safety rules are not followed. In this blog, Tradesmart shares common safety advice that can help keep you and your personnel safe whenever they need to saw concrete. Safety Equipment The first step is to make sure that nobody...
The Different Types of Concrete Saws in the Market
Concrete cutting is an industrial process that involves modifying concrete using a saw. In order to saw concrete, trained professionals use specially designed blades to saw brick, granite, concrete and other materials. In this blog, Tradesmart writes about the different types of concrete saws available to contractors in New Zealand. At Tradesmart, we support the construction industry with diamond saw concrete cutting solutions. Whether you’re looking for an efficient way to saw brick or looking for a floor grinder concrete experts trust, we have the products you need. Handheld Concrete Saw A handheld saw is a compact machine that...